速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Turutu A trip to the moon

Turutu A trip to the moon



檔案大小:191.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 繁體中文, 義大利文, 英語, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙文

Turutu A trip to the moon(圖1)-速報App

*** One of the most wonderful adventures of all times, finally transformed into an app***

*** This magical journey will take you to the moon! ***

This Turutu app will take you to a land that men have always dreamed of: the Moon! Inspired by Jules Vernes’ books and by the amazing vintage movie Trip to the Moon by Georges Méliès, this is a sci-fi digital tale for kids, loaded with special effects and geeky quotes. And so...let the magic begin: jump on board and let Dr Barbenfouillis and his odd and funny crew lead you towards this new interactive journey! The spaceship is ready, hurry up!

Special features:

For kids aged 6-8 years old

Turutu A trip to the moon(圖2)-速報App

- Fun and easy to use and play!

- Read and/or listen to the tale in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portoghese and Chinese

- It also sports a special feature that lets you decide how to combine text and voice over languages.

- Wanna double the fun? Record the fairytale with your own voice, or that of your friends or even mom and dad’s.

- Be amazed by the colorful graphics and by the funny faces of all of the characters

Turutu A trip to the moon(圖3)-速報App

- Interactions are here, there and everywhere: use your fingers, swipe, scroll and shake your device to discover them all.

- Drive Doctor B’s spaceship towards the moon but...be careful the sky is full of meteorites!

- Use the contextual help tool, and make sure you don’t miss anything

- It works on "airplane mode" too

- Possibility of turning the voice-over on / off.

Turutu A trip to the moon(圖4)-速報App

And now ... fasten your seat belts and let the adventure begin! Dottor B. and his crew can’t wait to play with you!

Did you like A Trip to the Moon? Then why don’t you download all our apps, they are super fun!

Turutu A trip to the moon(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad